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Generac Model Number Locator

If you need to locate your Generac model number and serial number, we can help! Find your Generac equipment below to see model and serial number locations.

Generac Model and Serial Number Locations

Generac Portable Generators

Generac Generator Model Locator

A. Model Name

The model name of a Generac portable generator is printed on both sides of the generator's frame (eg. XG8000E, GP6500, EU2000i). The model name is not the model number of your generator.

B. Model & Serial Number Location (XG, XP)

For the XG and XP series generators, the model and serial number sticker is located on the lower frame support under the engine.

C. Model & Serial Number Location (GP)

For the GP series, the model and serial number sticker is located on the inner part of the frame assembly. The GP15000E and GP17500E model number sticker is located on a panel above the battery.

D. Model & Serial Number Location (iX)

For the iX series,the model and serial number sticker is located on the side of the maintenance cover.

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Generac Pressure Washers

Generac Model Locator

A. Model PSI Rating

The model PSI rating is printed on the top handle assembly, below the nozzle holders.

B. Model & Serial Number Location

The Generac pressure washer model number and serial number are located on a sticker on the side of the engine housing next to the recoil assembly.