This is the guide to using the Jack's Small Engines Parts Lookup. Below is a step-by-step guide.
Parts Lookup Step-by-Step Guide
1. Parts Lookup Index
A. Equipment Model Number
The first item you'll need is your equipment's model number. If you don't know how to find your model number, click the link to the right.
If you still have trouble finding your model number, we may be able to help. Call our helpful Customer Service Representatives at 1-877-737-2787.
B. Your Equipment Manufacturer
Once you know your model number, select the manufacturer of your equipment. Popular Manufacturers are listed at the top with their logos.
If your manufacturer is listed there, click on it.
If your manufacturer is Not one of the Popular Manufacturers at the top, the other manufacturers are listed below.
Click the first letter of your manufacturer to quickly see manufacturers starting with that letter. Click your manufacturer.
If your manufacturer is not listed, we do not have diagrams for that manufacturer. That doesn't mean we don't have your part.
You may be able to find your part by using our
Parts Database Search,
or by selecting your manufacturer from our Shop By Manufacturer page,
or by selecting the type of part from our Shop By Category.
2. Selecting Your Model
A. Search for Your Model
If you know your model number, you can enter it into the Search box. As you type your number, you'll start seeing models pop up below.
If you see your model, click on it. Then, click Search. That will take you to your model's page of diagrams.
On the page of your model's diagram, click the thumbnail image or link below it to go to that diagram's page.
B. Find Your Model from the List
You can also find your model by expanding the list. Click the (+) plus button to expand that category / series and
a list under that category / series will show. If you click the link next to the (+) plus button, your list will display on a new page.
When you have expanded down to your model, you will see thumbnail images of the diagrams for that model.
Click the image or the link below it to go to that diagram's page.
3. Finding Your Parts on the Diagram Page
A. Using the Diagram
Click and drag (or use the scroll bars) to move the diagram and find your part. Click the circle on a part's label to see the description.
To see the price, click the View Price button, and a window will open with the OEM part and its Aftermarket replacement part (if one is available).
B. Using the Parts List
The parts list below the diagram, has all of the parts that are labeled and circled. The label for the part is the first number,
the part number is the second, followed by the description, and lastly the View Price button.
Clicking the View Price button will open a window with the OEM part and its Aftermarket replacement part (if one is available).
There can be a lot of parts in the list, so use the scroll bar on the right of the list to see all of the parts listed.
Some parts are listed multiple times in the list. Sometimes, it is because the part is labeled multiple times in the diagram.
If this is the case, the label, part number, and description will all be the same, because they are the same part.
Click View Price to see the part's price.
Sometimes you will see the same label multiple times because there are several options for the part labeled on the diagram.
If this is the case, you will see several of the same label in the list, but they will have different part numbers and different descriptions.
Use the part number and description to find your part. Click View Price to see your part's price.
Adding Parts to Your Cart
A. Your Cart is Always Accessible
Your cart can be seen between the diagram and the parts list. Click the Show button to see the contents of your cart.
Click the Hide button to hide the contents of your cart, making it easier to go between the diagram and the parts list.
B. Add Parts from the View Price Window
In the View Price window you can add the OEM part or its Aftermarket replacement part (if one is available).
Click the Add to Cart button for the part you want.
Upon clicking the Add to Cart button, the cart, located between the diagram and the parts list, will expand to show its contents.
You can change quantities, remove parts, see your subtotal and estimated shipping, and checkout from the cart.
You will still be on the same diagram page, so you won't have to search for your model or diagram again.
C. Update Your Parts and Checkout
From the cart, you can change the quantities by typing in a new number and clicking the Update Qty button.
To remove parts, click the X next to the part you want to remove.
When you are ready to checkout, click the Checkout button.