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Cub Cadet Model Number Locator

Cub Cadet Model Number Sticker

If you need to locate your Cub Cadet model number and serial number, we can help! Find your Cub Cadet equipment below to see model and serial number locations.

Cub Cadet's (1997 and later) use model and serial numbers 11 characters long. They can be a combination of numbers, dashes or letters. Identification stickers are located in areas that are unlikely to be replaced. For example, under the seat frame. The stickers are about 2" x 3" in size. They also have Cub Cadet's name, address, and customer service phone number listed.

Cub Cadet Model and Serial Number Locations

Cub Cadet Riding Mowers

Cub Cadet Riding Mower Model Locator

Model & Serial Number Location

The model and serial number on a Cub Cadet riding mower is located under the seat. The model number will begin with a 13 or 14.

Find your Cub Cadet Riding Mower Parts

Cub Cadet Snow Blowers

Cub Cadet Single Stage Snow Blower Model Locator

Model & Serial Number Location

The model name on a Cub Cadet single stage snow blower is located on the side of the auger housing.