Honda HS520 Single Stage Snow Blower Oil Change
Is your Honda Single Stage Snow Blower in need of an oil change? Keep your snow blower running all winter by following a maintenance schedule. Staying up-to-date on your oil change schedule will prepare your snow blower for the next big snow storm.
It is recommended to change the oil in your Honda Single Stage Snow Blower after the first 25 hours, or the first month, whichever comes first. After the initial oil change, it is best to change the oil at the beginning of every season.
Before starting, refer to the owner’s manual for your snow blower’s oil change schedule, the oil recommended for your snow blower, and any specific tools needed for your snow blower.
Tools Needed:
Before servicing your snow blower make sure the snow blower is turned off and remove the ignition key to reduce the risk of accidental start-up.
Changing the Oil
1) Warm the Oil
Start the engine for a few minutes to warm then oil, allowing it to drain easier. Once the oil is warmed, turn off engine and allow it to cool before servicing.
2) Locate Oil Drain Plug
3) Oil Drain Pan
Catch the oil as it falls by placing an oil drain pan under the oil drain plug.
4) Drain Oil
Using your socket wrench loosen the drain plug and drain the oil.
It is recommended to tip the snow blower to allow all of the oil to drain. Return to an upright, level position when finished draining.
5) Reinstall Oil Drain Plug
6) Remove Oil Dipstick
7) Refill With New Oil
Place a funnel in the oil fill tube and refill with 5W-30 oil until the oil reaches the outer edge of the oil fill tube.
8) Reinstall Oil Dipstick
Clean up any excess oil and twist the oil dipstick back into the oil fill tube.
9) Check for Leaks
Check for any leaks by starting the engine and allowing it to run for a few minutes.
Check your oil before and after every use to make sure you have the correct amount to run your snow blower. Damage can occur if your snow blower is running on low or no oil. Following an oil change and maintenance schedule can keep your snow blower running properly all winter.
Jack’s Safety Tips: Before servicing or repairing any power equipment, disconnect the spark plug and battery cables. Remember to wear appropriate safety glasses and gloves to protect against harmful chemicals and debris. View our Disclaimer.
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